
Bosera RMB Money Market ETF (HKD Counter:03192,RMB Counter:83192)

Important Information

Investment involves risks. Past performance is not indicative of future performance. Investor should not make any investment decision solely based on the information provided on this material. Investors should refer to the Prospectus and the Product Key Facts Statement of the Sub-Fund for further details, including product features and risk factors before making any investment decision. Bosera RMB Money Market ETF offers both listed class of shares (“Listed Class”) and unlisted class of shares (“Unlisted Class”). Switching between Listed Class and Unlisted Class is not available.

  • Bosera RMB Money Market ETF (the “Sub-Fund”) is a sub-fund of the Bosera Global Exchange Traded Funds Series Open-ended Fund Company (“Company”), which is a public umbrella open-ended fund company established under Hong Kong law with variable capital with limited liability and segregated liability between sub-funds. The Company has been registered with the Securities & Futures Commission (“SFC”) as an OFC and the Company and the Sub-Fund have been authorized by the SFC pursuant to section 104 of the Securities and Futures Ordinance. The SFC’s registration or authorization is not a recommendation or endorsement of the Company nor the Sub-Fund nor does it guarantee the commercial merits of the Company or the Sub-Fund or its performance. It does not mean the Company or the Sub-Fund is suitable for all investors nor is it an endorsement of its suitability for any particular investor or class of investors.

  • The Manager employs an actively managed investment strategy for the Sub-Fund. The Sub-Fund does not seek to track any index or benchmark, and there is no replication or representative sampling conducted by the Manager. It may fail to meet its objective as a result of the Manager’s selection of investments, and/or the implementation of processes which may cause the Sub-Fund to underperform as compared to prevailing money market rates or other money market funds with a similar objective.

  • The Sub-Fund’s ability to make the relevant investments or to fully implement or pursue its investment objective and strategy is subject to the applicable laws, rules and regulations (including restrictions on investments and repatriation of principals and profits) in Mainland China, which are subject to change, which may have potential retrospective effect. The Sub-Fund may suffer substantial losses if the approval of the RQFII is being revoked/terminated or otherwise invalidated as the Sub-Fund may be prohibited from trading the relevant securities and repatriation of the Sub-Fund’s monies, or if any of the key operators or parties (including the RQFII custodian/brokers) is bankrupt / in default and/or is disqualified from performing its obligations (including execution or settlement of any transaction or transfer of monies or securities).

  • Investors of Listed and Unlisted Classes of Shares are subject to different pricing and dealing arrangements. The NAV per Share of each of the Listed and Unlisted Classes of Shares may be different due to different fees and cost applicable to each class. The trading hours of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited applicable to the Listed Class of Shares in the secondary market and the dealing deadlines in respect of the Unlisted Classes of Shares are also different. For the avoidance of doubt, the dealing deadline applicable to the Listed Class of Shares in the primary market and the dealing deadlines in respect of the Unlisted Classes of Shares are the same.

  • Shares of the Listed Class of Shares are traded on the stock exchange in the secondary market on an intraday basis at the prevailing market price (which may diverge from the corresponding NAV), while Shares of the Unlisted Classes of Shares are sold through intermediaries based on the dealing day-end NAV and are dealt at a single valuation point with no access to intraday liquidity in an open market. Depending on market conditions, investors of the Unlisted Classes of Shares may be at an advantage or disadvantage compared to investors of the Listed Class of Shares.

  • In a stressed market scenario, investors of the Unlisted Classes of Shares could redeem their Shares at NAV while investors of the Listed Class of Shares in the secondary market could only redeem at the prevailing market price (which may diverge from the corresponding NAV) and may have to exit the Sub-Fund at a significant discount. On the other hand, investors of the Listed Class of Shares could sell their Shares on the secondary market during the day thereby crystallising their positions while investors of the Unlisted Classes of Shares could not do so in a timely manner until the end of the day.

  • If there is a suspension of the inter-counter transfer of Shares between the counters and/or any limitation on the level of services by brokers and CCASS participants, Shareholders will only be able to trade their Shares in one counter only, which may inhibit or delay an investor dealing. The market price of Shares traded in each counter may deviate significantly. As such, investors may pay more or receive less when buying or selling Shares traded on one counter on the SEHK than in respect of Shares traded in another counter and vice versa.

  • The trading price of the Shares on the SEHK is driven by market factors such as the demand and supply of the Shares. Therefore, the Shares may trade at a substantial premium or discount to the NAV and may deviate significantly from the NAV per Share.

  • As investors will pay certain charges (e.g. trading fees and brokerage fees) to buy or sell Shares on the SEHK, investors may pay more than the NAV per Share when buying Shares on the SEHK, and may receive less than the NAV per Share when selling Shares on the SEHK.

  • The Shares in the RMB counter are RMB denominated securities traded on the SEHK and settled in CCASS. Not all stockbrokers or custodians may be ready and able to carry out trading and settlement of the RMB traded Shares. The limited availability of RMB outside Mainland China may also affect the liquidity and trading price of the RMB traded Shares.

  • The Sub-Fund may be terminated early under certain circumstances, for example, if the size of the Sub-Fund falls below USD10,000,000 (or equivalent). Investors may not be able to recover their investments and suffer a loss when the Sub-Fund is terminated.

  • Although the Manager will use its best endeavours to put in place arrangements so that at least one market maker will maintain a market for the Shares traded in each counter and that at least one market maker to each counter gives not less than 3 months’ notice prior to terminating market making under the relevant market maker agreement, liquidity in the market for the Shares may be adversely affected if there is no or only one market maker for the Shares traded in any available counter. There is also no guarantee that any market making activity will be effective.

  • There may be less interest by potential market makers making a market in Shares denominated and traded in RMB. Any disruption to the availability of RMB may adversely affect the capability of market makers in providing liquidity for the Shares.

  • The 7-day annualised yield and the 30-day annualised yield are based on 7-day period and 30-day period of Bosera RMB Money Market ETF (Listed Class)’s past performance respectively and do not represent an actual one-year return.

  • The assumptions involved in the calculation of the 7-day annualised yield and the 30-day annualised yield are hypothetical.

This material has not been reviewed by the Securities and Futures Commission.



Fund Manager
Bosera Asset Management (International) Co., Limited
CMB Wing Lung (Trustee) Limited
Listing Date
RMB Counter: 15 November 2022
HKD Counter: 15 November 2022
Base Currency
Renminbi (RMB)
Trading Currency
Renminbi (RMB) – RMB Counter
Hong Kong Dollars (HKD) – HKD Counter
Ongoing charges over a year8
estimated to be 0.55%
Management Fee
0.15% per annum
Actively Managed
Outstanding Shares
Financial Year End
31 December
Participating Dealers9
China Merchants Securities (HK) Co., Limited
Market Makers (RMB Counter)10
Link to latest list of market makers
Market Makers (HKD Counter)10
Link to latest list of market makers
DateTimeCNH HKD #
Intra-day Estimated NAV Per Unit28/01/202503:59 pm1,053.87241,127.2809
Intra-day Market Priced----
Intra-day Estimated NAV Per Unit28/01/2025
Intra-day Market Priced-
# Exchange rate of Renminbi (CNH) to HKD : 1.0000 (for reference only)
Data source: ICE Data Services d=at least 15 minutes delay Hong Kong Time: 12:55 pm
Investment Performance
Bosera RMB Money Market ETF
7日年化收益率* 近30日年化收益率*
* 計算基礎及涵蓋期間:
• 7天年化回報率是通過對01/02/2025至07/02/2025期間的資產淨值變化進行年化計算,無股息再投資
• 30天年化回報率是通過對09/01/2025至07/02/2025期間的資產淨值變化進行年化計算,無股息再投資
• 最近一年的回報率是通過對09/02/2024至07/02/2025期間的資產淨值變化進行年化計算,無股息再投資
The Sub-Fund’s objective is to invest in short term deposits and high quality money market investments. The Sub-Fund seeks to achieve a return in RMB in line with prevailing money market rate. There can be no assurance that the Sub-Fund will achieve its investment objective.
RMB CounterHKD Counter
Stock Code8319203192
Trading CurrencyRenminbi (RMB)Hong Kong Dollars (HKD)
Primary market - Application Unit SizeMinimum 100 Shares or multiples thereofMinimum 100 Shares or multiples thereof
Secondary market - Trading Board Lot Size1 Shares1 Shares
ISIN CodeHK0000962891HK0000962909
Bloomberg Ticker83192 HK Equity03192 HK Equity
RMB Counter
Stock Code83192
Trading CurrencyRenminbi (RMB)
Primary market - Application Unit SizeMinimum 100 Shares or multiples thereof
Secondary market - Trading Board Lot Size1 Shares
ISIN CodeHK0000962891
Bloomberg Ticker83192 HK Equity
Official NAV per Unit in RMB28/01/2025RMB 1053.85840.00910.01
NAV per Unit in HKD (reference)#728/01/2025HKD 1127.2069-0.1694-0.15
Closing Price for RMB Traded Unit28/01/2025RMB 1053.10000.02000.02
Closing Price for HKD Traded Unit28/01/2025HKD 1130.10000.00000.00
Official NAV per Unit in RMB28/01/2025
NAV per Unit in HKD (reference)#728/01/2025
Closing Price for RMB Traded Unit28/01/2025
Closing Price for HKD Traded Unit28/01/2025

1.IOPV calculations and delayed market data as shown on the website of Bosera Asset Management (International) Co., Limited (http://www.bosera.com.hk) (the “data”) are provided by ICE Data Indices, see ICE Terms of Use, and are updated during HKEx trading hours. Powered by Factset.
2.IOPV is indicative and for reference purposes only. The Sub-Fund is not sponsored, endorsed, sold or marketed by ICE Data Indices, LLC, its affiliates (“ICE Data”) and ICE Data or its respective third party suppliers make no express or implied warranties, and hereby expressly disclaim all warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose with respect to the iNAV, IOPV, fund or any fund data included therein. In no event shall ICE Data have any liability for any special, punitive, direct, indirect, or consequential damages (including lost profits), even if notified of the possibility of such damages. You acknowledge that the data is provided for information only and should not be relied upon for any purpose.
3.HKEx information services limited, its holding companies and/or any subsidiaries of such holding companies endeavor to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the information provided but do not guarantee its accuracy or reliability and accept no liability (whether in tort or contract or otherwise) for any loss or damage arising from any inaccuracies or omissions.
4.The Intra-day Market Price is provided on a 15-minute delayed basis by ICE Data Indices.
5.Change is calculated on NAV to NAV basis in RMB and assumes dividend will not be reinvested. Change of the official NAV per Share in RMB and change of the NAV per Share in HKD indicate the change of the NAV per Share since previous business day where the SEHK is opened for normal trading (the "Dealing Day"). Please refer to the Prospectus for more information on determination of NAV. The official NAV per Share in RMB is provided by CMB Wing Lung (Trustee) Limited.
6.Change of the closing price in RMB and HKD traded shares indicate change of closing price since previous SEHK trading day (Source: Bloomberg).
7.The last closing NAV per Share in HKD is indicative and for reference only. It is calculated using the official last closing NAV per Share in RMB multiplied by an assumed foreign exchange rate being the exchange rate quoted by Bloomberg for offshore RMB (“CNH”) at 3:00 p.m. (Hong Kong time) as of the same Dealing Day. The official last closing NAV per Share in RMB and the last closing NAV per Share in HKD will remain unchanged during the period when the SEHK is closed.
8.The ongoing charges figure is indicative only as the Sub-Fund is newly set up. It represents the sum of the estimated ongoing expenses over a 12-month period chargeable to the relevant Class expressed as a percentage of the NAV of the relevant Class. The actual figure may be different from this estimated figure and it may vary from year to year.
9.Additional participating dealer(s) will be appointed from time to time.
10.Please refer to HKEx website for the most updated information. Additional Market Maker(s) will be appointed from time to time.


基金表現截至 07/02/2025
日期 單位淨值
於2023年11月6日,每10股現有上市股份將合併為 1 股合併上市股份。合併基金股份後,每股上市股份的資產淨值增加10倍,因此,自2023年11月6日起的上市股份資產淨值與合併基金股份前資產淨值相比的增加,並不能僅僅歸因或反映子基金的表現。投資者在考慮子基金自2023年11月6日起的資產淨值時,應考慮到2023年11月6日合併基金股份導致的每股上市股份的資產淨值增加10倍。
累積表現 % (以類別貨幣計算)截至 31/01/2025
基金類別 年初至今
於2023年11月6日,每10股現有上市股份將合併為 1 股合併上市股份。合併基金股份後,每股上市股份的資產淨值增加10倍,因此,自2023年11月6日起的上市股份資產淨值與合併基金股份前資產淨值相比的增加,並不能僅僅歸因或反映子基金的表現。投資者在考慮子基金自2023年11月6日起的資產淨值時,應考慮到2023年11月6日合併基金股份導致的每股上市股份的資產淨值增加10倍。
年度表現 % (以類別貨幣計算)截至 31/01/2025
基金類別 2025



代號名稱資產淨值 (%)市場價格(人民幣)市值(人民幣)持有數目
TIMETIME DEPOSIT 2.2 28/05/20252.5860,000,000.00
TIMETIME DEPOSIT 2.85 10/03/20252.1650,131,750.00
TIMETIME DEPOSIT 2.87 07/04/20252.1550,000,000.00
TIMETIME DEPOSIT 2.85 03/03/20251.9445,000,000.00
TIMETIME DEPOSIT 2.85 28/02/20251.9445,000,000.00
TIMETIME DEPOSIT 2.4 11/02/20251.7240,000,000.00
TIMETIME DEPOSIT 2.77 12/03/20251.7240,000,000.00
TIMETIME DEPOSIT 2.85 02/05/20251.5135,000,000.00
TIMETIME DEPOSIT 2.85 06/05/20251.5135,000,000.00
TIMETIME DEPOSIT 2.85 08/05/20251.5135,000,000.00
代號 名稱
TIMETIME DEPOSIT 2.2 28/05/2025
TIMETIME DEPOSIT 2.85 10/03/2025
TIMETIME DEPOSIT 2.87 07/04/2025
TIMETIME DEPOSIT 2.85 03/03/2025
TIMETIME DEPOSIT 2.85 28/02/2025
TIMETIME DEPOSIT 2.4 11/02/2025
TIMETIME DEPOSIT 2.77 12/03/2025
TIMETIME DEPOSIT 2.85 02/05/2025
TIMETIME DEPOSIT 2.85 06/05/2025
TIMETIME DEPOSIT 2.85 08/05/2025


Bosera RMB Money Market ETF


類別基金 記錄日









  • (852)2537 6658
  • HKSales@bosera.com
  • 香港中環康樂廣場1號怡和大廈4109室